Accretionary Wedge: Inselbergs of Nigeria

This month’s Accretionary Wedge Geosblogospheric carnival is hosted at Geotripper and the theme:

What are the places and events that you think should all geologists should see and experience before they die? What are the places you know and love that best exemplify geological principles and processes?

Since I’m a new in the geoblogosphere I figured that I take part.

There are many impressing geological features in Nigeria though the general awareness of these features by the general public leaves much to be desired. of these feature one of the most prominent and indeed awesome are the Granite inselbergs.Granite inselergs can be found in the areas of the basement complex which covers more than two-thirds of the country. Here are some of the most popular ones

Zuma Rock, Abuja, central Nigeria

Zuma rock Abuja Central Nigeria. View from the west

Zuma rock Abuja Central Nigeria. View from the west

The most famous (Nigeria’s Ayer’s) and one of the largest at more than 1km across.

Idanre hills, Akure South west Nigeria

Idanre hills (Idanre town in the foreground)

Idanre hills (Idanre town in the foreground)

Another famous one which has made the small town in the foreground a tourist destination.
Kwantankwashi hill, Zamfara North Central Nigeria

kwatankwarshi Inselberg-

kwatankwarshi Inselberg

Wase rock, wase North east nigeria


Wase inselberg

Kajuru ludo hill, Kaduna Nigeria

Kajuru-Ludo hill

Kajuru-Ludo hill

There are many more even outstanding examples in other parts of the country and is something that one cannot miss on any jurney around the nigeria.

The granite inselbergs are huge plutonic intrusions that were emplaced during the pan-african orogenic event which affected all of what is now Nigeria, most of africa and even the arabian peninsular and brazil (sugar loaf mountain). Though they were emplaced at depth 550 million years of erosion have brought them to the surface where the stand out due to their greater resistance to erosion than the surrounding migmatites , Gniesses and migmatic Gniesses.They dome shapes are result of exfoliation (a Chemical weathering process that peels away layers of rock).

9 thoughts on “Accretionary Wedge: Inselbergs of Nigeria

  1. Pingback: The Accretionary Wedge #16: Is One Life Enough? « The Accretionary Wedge

  2. Hi I.

    I like your new blog.

    I have a suggestion. I like to zoom on great pics like yours but the imposed borders on your site make that unworkable. When you zoom the right half of the pic is cut off. Perhaps you could look into this & thanks for listening.


    • Thanks Sea for the compliments
      I’m not too sure about how it could be fixed. I search for answers and let you know.
      You also have to be a bit patient as high speed internet is not something I come across often here (>5 kbs is rare).

  3. hi,nice pics.well i am a student of university of Nigeria,nssuka and i have visited some of these areas listed above,on a field trip to the northern parts of nigeria.we have been asked to write a report on the field trip and i am finding it hard to find articles based on regional tectonics and regional stratigraphy of akwanga in nassarrawa state.
    i am a very young ‘geologist to be’ full of zeal and determination and i would appreciate it if you could help me in any way you can…thank you in anticipation of your cooperation…..

  4. Hello Cynthia!
    Glad to see a colleague of mine around. I graduated from the department in 2007 (you probably were in your 1st year then).
    If it’s the report for the course Geol.351 then I will suggest you look out for Geology of Nigeria edited by C.A. Kogbe. You will find very good papers on the geology of the Basement Complex. You will also find articles that will help you in the soft rock aspect of the course (you guys went to Afikpo if I’m right). I doubt if you will find anything useful online.

  5. Pingback: Geology Links for August 5th, 2009 | The Geology News Blog

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